Instructor for STATS 100C: Linear Models (Spring 2025)
Instructor for STATS 231B: Methods of Machine Learning (Winter 2025)
Instructor for ACM 107b: Linear Analysis with Applications II (Winter 2024)
Instructor for ACM 105: Applied Real and Functional Analysis (Winter 2023)
Co-instructor with Katie Bouman for CS 101: Special Topics in Computer Science (Fall 2022)
Instructor for ACM 270: Mathematics of Data Science (Spring 2022)
Instructor for ACM 105: Applied Real and Functional Analysis (Winter 2022)
Rice University
Teaching Assistant for CAAM 210: Introduction to Engineering Computation (Fall 2017/Spring 2018)
Rice University
Teaching Assistant for CAAM 210: Introduction to Engineering Computation (Fall 2017/Spring 2018)
Richard Tapia Center for Excellence and Equity
Lead Instructor for Tapia Camps in Computer Science (Summer 2017)
Thrive Scholars
Teaching Assistant for SCS Noonan Summer Academy at the University of Southern California (Summer 2013)